These are the data until 24th March 2016 regarding the clubs who scored the most in each segment of the match.
1-15: Real Madrid (Spain) 16 goals
16-30: Real Madrid (Spain) 17
31-45 (including 1st half injury time): Barcelona and Real Madrid (Spain) 15
46-60: Barcelona (Spain) 20
61-75: Bayern Munich (Germany) 20
76-90: Real Madrid (Spain) 17
91+: Borussia Dortmund (Germany) and Lazio (Italy) 6
These are the data regarding the clubs who scored the largest percentage of their own goals in each segment.
1-15: Troyes (France) 22,73%
16-30: Deportivo La Coruña (Spain) 30,77%
31-45 (including 1st half injury time): Ajaccio (France) 32,26%
46-60: União Madeira (Portugal) 33,33%
61-75: Aston Villa (England) 40,91%
76-90: Köln (Germany) 32,14%
91+: Lazio (Italy) 15,79%
Note: all the data are all from the current season, and refer to the domestic leagues of England, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

Qui sopra trovate due liste.
Nella prima ci sono le squadre che hanno segnato di più in ciascun segmento di partita; nella seconda le squadre che, per ciascun segmento, hanno segnato più gol in percentuale rispetto al totale dei propri gol.
Nota bene: i dati sono relativi a questa stagione, e si riferiscono ai campionati di Inghilterra, Francia, Germania, Italia, Portogallo e Spagna.